Instruction to Authors

Aims and Scope

The Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (CJEM) was established in July 1985. It is an advanced academic journal sponsored by the Chinese Medical Association (CMA) reporting recent studies in the field of endocrinology and metabolism in China. It is dedicated to becoming the Chinese journal introducing the latest developments in international endocrinology and metabolism research.

The target readership of this journal mainly includes endocrinologists and physicians. In the more than 30 years of its development, CJEM has aimed to increase the standard of diagnosis and treatment as well as the clinical management of endocrine and metabolic disorders in China by pursuing advances and targeting hotspots, as well as prudent manuscript solicitation; reporting the latest research outcomes and clinical treatments in endocrinology and metabolism and other relevant fields, as well as basic theoretical research that guides and closely integrates clinical works in endocrinology and metabolism; initiating “Special Editorial”, inviting experts across different fields to share their insights on medical development while also extending invitations to foreign researchers to contribute and deliberate on their academic viewpoints; initiating “Selects from Foreign Journals”, translating and compiling the latest developments in the international endocrinology and metabolism field upon acquiring the copyright of the original publication; initiating a special column, “Youth Forum”, to create a platform to inspire outstanding young and middle-aged academics and increase the overall standard in the field of endocrinology and metabolism. This journal also includes columns on clinical and basic research, seminars, approach to the patients, continuing medical education for management of endocrine disorders (Endocare CME) and others. It is also actively working on the new media construction, setting up a WeChat public account and a journal app to provide readers and authors with a new reading experience.

 The Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism has received the award for “Outstanding Chinese Scientific Journal” from the China Association for Science and Technology in 2008, 2011, 2014 and 2017.


Article types

The Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism welcomes original articles, short communications, commentary, case reports, clinical studies, basic research, lectures, and approaches to the patients, literature reviews, conference (forum) summaries, and columns on domestic and overseas academic trends. Commentaries, reviews and articles interpreting guidelines/consensus are mainly invited by the Chief Editor or Deputy Editor. For unsolicited submissions, please contact the Editorial Office in advance. Literature reviews should include content related to the author’s line of work and based on research in the relevant field.


Submission criteria

1. The manuscript must be innovative, scientific, directive and practical.

2. The language used in the manuscript must be concise, refined, smooth and to the point. Manuscripts for original articles usually do not exceed 5000 words (including abstract, figures, tables and references), while the word count for lectures, literature reviews, case studies, etc. may differ according to the context.

3. For detailed requirements on national standards or industry specifications, please refer to “Specifications on Layout for Chinese Medical Association Series Periodicals”.

4. Registration code for clinical trials: The registration code for clinical trials should be a unique registration code obtained from a WHO-approved first-grade clinical trial registry. The clinical trial registration code should be listed at the end of the Chinese/English abstract.

5. Statistical method: Detailed descriptions should be provided, including statistical experimental design, data presentation and description, choice of statistical analysis method, statistical results interpretation and presentation. The statistical values used in the analysis must be stated, but the P value in the chart needs only to be based on P<0.05 and P<0.01, and the corner code symbol is expressed in an a, b, c sequence.

6. Medical ethics and informed consent: The basic principles of medical ethics should be followed. When the subject of said article is based on human research, the author must declare whether the research procedure used has complied with the ethical codes established by the committee for human research studies (of relevant unit, region or nation). The author must provide the approval from the relevant committee (the approval code must be stated in the article), and the informed consent agreement form signed by the test subject or family member must be provided.

7. Submission: To submit a manuscript, please register as an author on the Chinese Medical Association’s remote manuscript processing system ( Subsequently, select the journal. Or submit your manuscript through the CJEM journal’s official website ( The author needs to download and complete the “Letter of Introduction and Power of Attorney for Manuscript Submission to the Chinese Medical Association Series Periodicals”; the completed form is to be sent to the Editorial Office of CJEM.

During submission, you must state whether the manuscript has been published in any non-public journal, has been exchanged in an academic conference or has been published in another language (if so, permission from the journal making the first publication must be obtained). Publication under these three circumstances are not considered duplicate publications. This journal does not charge a handling fee for any manuscript submission.

8. Authorship: Authors must be involved in (1) topic selection and design or participation in data analysis and interpretation; (2) drafting or revising the central theory or other critical content in the article; and (3) reviewing and revising the content upon receiving revision recommendations from the Editorial Office, responding to academic queries and providing final agreement for the article publication. The author must fulfill all 3 criteria mentioned above.

The sequence of the authors must be established at the point of submission and no further changes shall be made during the arrangement. If there is a foreigner among the authors, said author must sign the agreement consenting to publication in this journal. If the content related to the topic is completed by an overseas laboratory, the agreement for publication signed by said laboratory must also be provided. An article with a collective signature should show individual signatures under the title and list the last author’s name at the footnote. The email address and other contact information (postal code, detailed address, office unit and telephone number) of the first author and (or) the corresponding author must be provided; if the first author or the last author is not the corresponding author, the name, unit and postal code of the corresponding author must be stated on the first page.

9. Abstract and Summary: The article must include both Chinese and English abstracts, and the abstract must cover four parts, including objectives, methods, results and conclusions. The manuscript should be written from a third-person perspective. The Chinese abstract should be kept within 500 words, while the English abstract should be less than 300 actual words. All authors are to be listed; if they do not belong to the same unit, “*” should be added to the upper right-hand corner of the first author’s name, and “*” should be added to the upper left-hand corner of the first alphabet of the unit name. Other types of manuscript, including short articles, commentary-type articles, literature reviews, lectures, etc. also require both Chinese and English titles, authors’ affiliations and name, as well as a Summary in both Chinese and English. The word count for the Summary section in Chinese should be kept within 150 words, while the English Summary should be kept within 100 words.

10. Keywords: Generally, an article should note 2-5 keywords. Abbreviated keywords should be restored to their full form. The first letter of the English keyword should be capitalized, with 2 spaces between each phrase.

11. Figures and tables: Each figure or table occupies 1 page, centered around the text, and should be coded according to the sequence of its appearance in the main text. Each figure (table) should be captioned. For computerized images, the author must provide a laser-printed sample and separate email (photo should be attached in JPG or TIF format, with resolution no lower than 300 dpi; statistical graphs should be sent in Excel format, including the original data), indicating the figure number and description. For pathological pictures, the tint and magnification of the photograph must be clearly indicated. If portraits are used, written consent from said individual(s) must be obtained.

12. Format for citing reference literature follows the specifications in GB/T 7714-2005 “References in Literature”. References should be coded and recorded in sequential order, using numeric labeling in accordance with the sequence of appearance in the text; the sequence number is written in square brackets and placed after the text. If the same part of the main text requires the use of more than 1 work with consecutive numbering, it should be indicated with “-”, for instance [1-2], and if the works are not sequential, they should be separated with commas, such as [1,4], [1-2,4].

When listing the references, if the authorship does not exceed 3 persons, their names should all be included; if it exceeds 3 persons, only the names of the first 3 persons should be included, followed by “et al.”, etc., depending on the type of literature. The name of the author is written with last name first, followed by the first name; foreign names are written using acronyms, with no abbreviation point behind the abbreviated name; the last name of each author is separated with “,”.

Please indicate the literature type after the title. Names of foreign-language journals can be abbreviated using the format in NLM’s Citing Medicine (http://www. as recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Please use the full name for Chinese journals.

For articles with a DOI code, the DOI must be cited at the end of the said article.

13. Abbreviations: When used, their full form must be described at their first appearance, followed by the bracketed Chinese abbreviation or the full designation in English and the corresponding abbreviation; subsequently, the two are separated with “,”.

14. Funding: Recorded bilingually, the Chinese and English texts are placed accordingly under the Chinese and English keywords in the Abstract.

15. Conflict of interest and Author’s Statement of Contribution: Any conflicts of interest or contribution statements are to be documented at the end of the main text, before the References.

16. Manuscripts revised according to feedback can be sent back to the journal through official submission website, or emailed to the editor upon request.


Review process

The Chinese Medical Association Series Periodical implements a three-stage review based on a peer-review system (editorial review, external review by experts, final review by the Editorial Committee). During the review process, the manuscript will be kept confidential. The author will receive notice of rejection if the manuscript will not be put in publication. If the author disagrees with the manuscript review outcome, he/she may send in a written appeal. For detail introduction of the review process, please read the separate introduction.


Manuscript processing time

In accordance with the “Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China” and based on the actual circumstance of the journal, if the author has not received any notice within 3 months of issue of receipt acknowledgment of the manuscript, the manuscript is deemed to be under review. If the author wishes to submit the manuscript to another publisher, he/she must inform the Editorial Office in advance; otherwise, this will be deemed as duplicate submission and the manuscript will be rejected.


Issues related to copyright

1. The author is responsible for ensuring that the manuscript is authentic and scientific. According to the relevant rules under the “Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China”, this journal is allowed to revise or abridge the wording used in the manuscript. The author’s approval is required for any revision that involves the original intention. If the revised manuscript is not returned after 2 months without explanation to the Editorial Office, the manuscript will be rejected.

2. Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) must sign the “Letter of Introduction and Power of Attorney for Article Submission to the Chinese Medical Association Series Periodicals”. The manuscript’s exclusive right of use will therefore be assigned to the Chinese Medical Association, which reserves the publishing rights of said article in the forms of e-journal, CD version, etc., and said article cannot be reproduced elsewhere without prior permission from the Chinese Medical Association and journal’s Editorial Office.



The purpose of Withdraw/Retraction is to rectify errors in the article. For the detailed withdrawn/retraction procedure, please contact the Editorial Office.